DE Carver, Discoid #89 - Hollenback #3S, DuralLite ROUND Handle

Hollenback Carvers (Nordent)

Hollenback carvers have a flat profile and a spear-shaped blade that is sharp around the entire periphery. They are used for carving anatomy and trimming flat surfaces.

Hollenback #3 The blades are 9.5 mm long and 1.7 mm wide.

Hollenback #3S The blades are 6.5 mm long and 1.5 mm wide. Also known as a Half-Hollenback

Nordent #133 A unique combination carver that combines a Hollenback #3S carver tip with a 2.4 mm Discoid into an easy-to-use double-end instrument.

Weight:0.25 lbs.
